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20 Aug 2019

All the versions with Nix

1 Background

In Channel Changing with Nix, I described how to move between channels in Nix expressions. This provides an easy way to work with multiple versions of Nixpkgs. I was reminded of this post after seeing a comment by jolmg on Hacker News. The comment suggested we should have a way to use multiple versions of packages seamlessly together. It suggested that we should use commits to differentiate versions, but I suggested that stable channels would work much better.

So, as a follow up to my Channel Changing post, I want to show how you can use a quick Nix mockup to accomplish this. Like the previous post, it will come with a Nix snippet that you can try out yourself.

2 Code

So, what follows is some code that I wrote up that lets you find package versions in an easier way. It is also available for download at

{ channels ? [ "19.03" "18.09" "18.03" "17.09" "17.03"
               "16.09" "16.03" "15.09" "14.12" "14.04" "13.10" ]
, attrs ? builtins.attrNames (import <nixpkgs> {})
, system ? builtins.currentSystem
, args ? { inherit system; }
}: let

  getSet = channel:
    (import (builtins.fetchTarball "channel:nixos-${channel}") args).pkgs;

  getPkg = name: channel: let
    pkgs = getSet channel;
    pkg = pkgs.${name};
    version = (builtins.parseDrvName;
  in if builtins.hasAttr name pkgs && pkg ? name then {
    name = version;
    value = pkg;
  } else null;

in builtins.listToAttrs (map (name: {
  inherit name;
  value = builtins.listToAttrs
    (builtins.filter (x: x != null)
      (map (getPkg name) channels));
}) attrs)

This Nix expression generates an index of each package from all 11 releases of Nixpkgs that have occurred since October 2010. For every package, each version that came with a release is included and put into a map. The map uses the version as a key and the package as its value, preferring the newer release when versions conflict.

This is all done lazily, because that’s how Nix works. Still, it will take a little while at first to evaluate because we need to parse all 11 releases! Remarkably, this expression uses only Nix builtins, and requires no special library function.

3 Usage

Working with this Nix expression is extremely interesting, and I’ve included some examples of how to work with it. They should all be usable on a Linux machine (or maybe macOS) with Nix installed.

3.1 Query package versions

You can query what package versions are available through Nix’s builtins.attrNames function. For example,

$ nix eval "(builtins.attrNames (import (builtins.fetchurl {}).emacs)"
[ "24.3" "24.4" "24.5" "25.3" "26.1" ]

This shows us that there are 5 versions of Emacs. This is kind of interesting because it means that there were at least 6 duplicate versions of Emacs between our release channels. Unfortunately, a few versions of Emacs are notably missing including Emacs 25.1 and Emacs 25.2. Emacs 24.2 was released almost a year before the first stable Nixpkgs release! As time goes on, we should collect more of these releases.

3.2 Running an old version

As shown above, there are 5 versions of Emacs available to us. We can run Emacs 24.3 with a fairly short command:

$ LC_ALL=C nix run "(import (builtins.fetchurl {}).emacs.\"24.3\"" -c emacs

LC_ALL=C is needed on Linux to avoid the old Glibc trying to load the newer, incompatible locales that may be included with your system. This is an unfortunate problem with Glibc including breaking changes between releases. It also makes me want use to switch to Musl some time soon! I’ve also noticed some incompatibilities with GTK icons that appear to come from the gdk-pixbuf module. More investigation is needed on why this is the case.

This will not work on macOS because we did not have Emacs working on macOS back then! macOS users can try Emacs 25.3. This looks very similar to the above:

$ nix run "(import (builtins.fetchurl {}).emacs.\"25.3\"" -c emacs

3.3 Firefox

Another example using Firefox is pretty neat. The code is very similar to Emacs:

$ nix eval "(builtins.attrNames (import (builtins.fetchurl {}).firefox)"
[ "25.0.1" "34.0.5" "39.0.3" "45.0" "48.0.2" "51.0.1" "55.0.3" "59.0.2" "63.0.3" "66.0.3" "68.0.2" ]

We get all 11 releases with unique Firefox versions this time.

You can run Firefox 25.0.1 using this command:

$ LC_ALL=C nix run "(import (builtins.fetchurl {}).firefox.\"25.0.1\"" -c firefox

Amazing how notably Firefox has changed since then!

3.4 Blender

Another example using Blender. The code is very similar to the two above:

$ nix eval "(builtins.attrNames (import (builtins.fetchurl {}).blender)"
[ "2.67" "2.70" "2.72b" "2.75a" "2.77a" "2.78c" "2.79" "2.79a" "2.79b" ]

You can run Blender 2.67 using this command:

$ LC_ALL=C nix run "(import (builtins.fetchurl {}).blender.\"26.7\"" -c blender

4 Rationale

The reason that channels work better than commits is because every commit in Nixpkgs is not guaranteed to work on its own. Some may be missing security patches, configuration changes, or worse may just not work with other versions of packages. In addition, there are just too many commits to work with effectively. On the other hand, Nixpkgs release stable channels every 6 months, and we have a long vetting process of ensuring the stabilized channel works well.

The main drawback the 6-month channels have is that we don’t have every version released of package. If the version you want is missing in a release, you are out of luck. But, the 6-month window tends to pick up a lot of packages and we end up with almost every major version of popular software. My philosophy is not all releases are worth keeping. Some contain critical security flaws, contain major bugs, and might not work well with other software. The 6-month window is good enough for me. Perhaps in the future we can increase Nixpkgs release cadence to 3-month or 1-month, but the maintainers are not quite ready for that yet.

5 Conclusion

This has hopefully shown how Nix’s functional dependency model makes it very easy to switch between versions of packages. This is builtin to Nix, but you need some scripts to really use this well. Our 6-month release window is an arbitrary choice, but tends to pick up a lot of useful versions in the mean time.