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22 Mar 2020

Announcing Nixiosk

Today I’m announcing a project I’ve been working on for the last few weeks. I’m calling it Nixiosk which is kind of a smashing together of the words NixOS and Kiosk. The idea is to have an easy way to make locked down, declarative systems

My main application of this is my two Raspberry Pi systems that I own. Quite a few people have installed NixOS on these systems, but usually they are starting from some prebuilt image. A major goal of this project is to make it easy to build these images yourself. For this to work, I’ve had to make lots of changes to NixOS cross-compilation ecosystem, but the results seem to be very positive. I also want the system to be locked down so that no user can login directly on the machine. Instead, all administration is done on a remote machine, and deployed through SSH and Nix remote builders.

Right now, I have RetroArch (a frontend for a bunch of emulators) on my Raspberry Pi 4, and Epiphany (a web browser) on my Raspberry Pi 0. Both systems seem to be working pretty well.


1 Deploying

1.1 Install Nix

If you haven’t already, you need to install Nix. This can be done through the installer:

$ bash <(curl -L

1.2 Cache

To speed things up, you should setup a binary cache for nixiosk. This can be done easily through Cachix. First, install Cachix:

$ nix-env -iA cachix -f

Then, use the nixiosk cache:

$ cachix use nixiosk

1.3 Configuration

To make things simple, it just reads from an ad-hoc JSON file that describe the hardware plus some other customizations. It looks like this:

    "hostName": "nixiosk",
    "hardware": "raspberryPi4",
    "authorizedKeys": [],
    "program": {
        "package": "epiphany",
        "executable": "/bin/epiphany",
        "args": [""]
    "networks": {
        "my-router": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "locale": {
        "timeZone": "America/New_York",
        "regDom": "US",
        "lang": "en_US.UTF-8"
    "localSystem": {
        "system": "x86_64-linux",
        "sshUser": "me",
        "hostName": "my-laptop-host",

Here’s a basic idea of what each of these fields do:

  • hostName: Name of the host to use. If mDNS is configured on your network, this can be used to identify the IP address of the device via “<hostName>.local”.
  • hardware: A string describing what hardware we are using. Valid values currently are “raspberryPi0”, “raspberryPi1”, “raspberryPi2”, “raspberryPi3”, “raspberryPi4”.
  • authorizedKeys: A list of SSH public keys that are authorized to make changes to your device. Note this is required because no passwords will be set for this system.
  • program: What to do in the kiosk. This should be a Nixpkgs attribute (package), an executable in that package, and a list of args.
  • networks: This is a name/value pairing of SSIDs to PSK passphrases. This can be found with the wpa_passphrase(8) command from wpa_supplicant.
  • locale: This provides some information of what localizations to use. You can set regulation domain, language, time zone via “regDom”, “lang”, and “timeZone”. If unspecified, defaults to US / English / New York.
  • localSystem: Information on system to use for remote builder. Optional.

1.4 Initial deployment

The deployment is pretty easy provided you have Nix installed. Here are some steps:

$ git clone
$ cd nixiosk/
$ cp nixiosk.json.sample nixiosk.json

Now you need to make some changes to nixiosk.json to reflect what you want your system to do. The important ones are ‘authorizedKeys’ and ‘networks’ so that your systems can startup and you can connect to it.

If you have an SSH key setup, you can get its value with:

$ cat $HOME/.ssh/
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC050iPG8ckY/dj2O3ol20G2lTdr7ERFz4LD3R4yqoT5W0THjNFdCqavvduCIAtF1Xx/OmTISblnGKf10rYLNzDdyMMFy7tUSiC7/T37EW0s+EFGhS9yOcjCVvHYwgnGZCF4ec33toE8Htq2UKBVgtE0PMwPAyCGYhFxFLYN8J8/xnMNGqNE6iTGbK5qb4yg3rwyrKMXLNGVNsPVcMfdyk3xqUilDp4U7HHQpqX0wKrUvrBZ87LnO9z3X/QIRVQhS5GqnIjRYe4L9yxZtTjW5HdwIq1jcvZc/1Uu7bkMh3gkCwbrpmudSGpdUlyEreaHOJf3XH4psr6IMGVJvxnGiV9 mbauer@dellbook

which will give you a line for “authorizedKeys” like:

"authorizedKeys": ["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC050iPG8ckY/dj2O3ol20G2lTdr7ERFz4LD3R4yqoT5W0THjNFdCqavvduCIAtF1Xx/OmTISblnGKf10rYLNzDdyMMFy7tUSiC7/T37EW0s+EFGhS9yOcjCVvHYwgnGZCF4ec33toE8Htq2UKBVgtE0PMwPAyCGYhFxFLYN8J8/xnMNGqNE6iTGbK5qb4yg3rwyrKMXLNGVNsPVcMfdyk3xqUilDp4U7HHQpqX0wKrUvrBZ87LnO9z3X/QIRVQhS5GqnIjRYe4L9yxZtTjW5HdwIq1jcvZc/1Uu7bkMh3gkCwbrpmudSGpdUlyEreaHOJf3XH4psr6IMGVJvxnGiV9 mbauer@dellbook"],

and you can get a PSK value for your WiFi network with:

$ nix run nixpkgs.wpa_supplicant -c wpa_passphrase my-network

so your .json file looks like:

"networks": {
  "my-network": "17e76a6490ac112dbeba996caa7cd1387c6ebf6ce721ef704f92b681bb2e9000",

Now, after inserting your Raspberry Pi SD card into the primary slot, you can deploy to it with:

$ ./ /dev/mmcblk0

You can now eject your SD card and insert it into your Raspberry Pi. It will boot immediately to an Epiphany browser, loading

Troubleshooting steps can be found in the README.

1.5 Redeployments

You can pretty easily make changes to a running system given you have SSH access. This is as easy as cloning the running config:

$ git clone ssh://root@nixiosk.local/etc/nixos/configuration.git nixiosk-configuration
$ cd nixiosk-configuration

Then, make some changes in your repo. After your done, you can just run ‘git push’ to redeploy.

$ git add .
$ git commit
$ git push

You’ll see the NixOS switch-to-configuration log in your command output. If all is successful, the system should immediately reflect your changes. If not, the output of Git should explain what went wrong.

Note, that some versions of the Raspberry Pi like the 0 and the 1 are not big enough to redeploy the whole system. You will probably need to setup remote builders. This is described in the README.

2 Technology

Here are some of the pieces that make the Kiosk system possible:

  • Cage / Wayland: Cage is a Wayland compositor that allows only one application to display at a time. This makes the system a true Kiosk.
  • NixOS - A Linux distro built on top of functional package management.
  • Basalt: A tool to manage NixOS directly from Git. This allows doing push-to-deploy directly to NixOS.
  • Plymouth: Nice graphical boot animations. Right now, it uses the NixOS logo but in the future this should be configurable so that you can include your own branding.
  • OpenSSH: Since no direct login is available, SSH is required for remote administration.
  • Avahi: Configures mDNS registration for the system, allowing you to remember host names instead of IP addresses.

I would also like to include some more tools to make administration easier:

  • ddclient / miniupnp: Allow registering external IP address with a DNS provider. This would enable administration outside of the device’s immediate network.

3 Project

You can try it out right now if you have an Raspberry Pi system. Other hardware is probably not too hard, but may require tweaking. The project page is available at and issues and pull requests are welcomed.